(a.) Sanctions Lists Profile Tables

Display and analyse key data from U.S. OFAC SDN, EU, UK and UN Consolidated Sanctions Lists. Please log in to display figures.

(b.) Sanctions List Chronology (Preview/BETA version for US OFAC SDN, EU and UK Consolidated List)

Display sanctions list chronology and analyse data over time. Related regulatory documents and releases are available under the tab "latest updates".

Methodology and definitions

Sanctions List updates available for selected sanctions lists/programmes involving US OFAC SDN Lists (through US CSL List), EU Consolidated Sanction List, United Nations Sanctions and United Kingdom HMT Sanction Lists. Breakdown by sanction programme/regime where possible. Further lists to be added in the future.
Please note that for the analyzed US lists, the aggregated CSL list from the US Department of Commerce was considered, which includes OFAC lists, but has a different structure.
Key information on additional lists available.
On a regular basis for defined lists. Date/time reflects the date of data retrieval from the website of the respective regulator, unless otherwise noted. Please note that there may be time lags between OFAC published data and their availability in the CSL List of the U.S. Department of Commerce International | Trade Administration (ITA).
Higher update frequency on request.
Meta data analysis for additions, changes and removals of entries conducted with GCRD methodology (delta comparison), based on sources as indicated above.
Please keep in mind, that a listed party can be subject to different sanctions programs/regimes on a consolidated list. Changes in the sanctions program affiliations of a listed party may be counted as ‘change’ (and not as additions to or removals from a certain program/regime), unless otherwise noted.
Classification according to the respective sanction list. Please note that several lists categorize by ‘entities’ and ‘persons’ only (such as EU list). Vessels for example are not explicitly mentioned in these lists, however single vessels were included in the number of entities in the past.
List action explained:
New entry was added to the respective list.
Changed [ I ]
Entry has changed. Meta information on changed datafields in most cases available.
Changed [ II ]
Entry has changed in frequently changing data fields or has formatting changes.
Please note that field content may be inconsistent in terms of format across list versions, resulting in a high number of hits.
Please check possible relevance for your purpose in each case.
Changes may incude for example:
UK HMT Sanction Lists: Leading zeros or leading/trailing blanks in data fields such as ‘ni_number’, ‘passport_details’ or ‘addresses’.
UN Sanction Lists: Leading zeros or leading/trailing blanks in data fields.
US Sanction Lists: Data field ‘Source List Url’ (through US CSL List).
EU Sanction Lists: Data field ‘pdf_link’.
In addition, these changes may include spelling variations regarding small and capital letters or special characters.
Entry was removed from a respective list. Date reflects earliest available date/time where entry was not identified anymore.
Please note that all figures are preliminary only and work in progress. Methodology is under development and subject to changes. See disclaimer ans FAQ for further information.
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